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WORK WITH Shonda Angelou

When I was younger I lived a wonderful humble life on the island of Eleuthera with my grandmother, but I would get bitten by sun flies daily resulting in sores covering my arms and legs..  The sores itched so bad, that I would pick the scabs causing infection. Instead of ointment, I was given homeopathic medicine. Grandmother took me down to the bay and made me sit in shore pool of salt water, it burned most days, but soon enough my infection went away, and my sores healed.  This course of action was repeated over and over again when I got pink eye two times or had an issue with my throat.  I had come to hate the salt for all the pain it caused me, only to grow up and see Jesus tell me I am the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13).  I believe being salt means that I have the power, through the Holy Spirit to not only flavor but to also cure and preserve, just as salt does. 


Since, beginning my journey to reviving the dry bones in my Christian walk and financial relationships, I have had the pleasure of being salt in several capacities.  Most recently, my book Broke Down Christians, outlines how stagnant and suffering Christians can find revival and peace in God.  I also serve on the praise team, provide Christian mentoring and coaching to people at all levels of spirituality.


Here's what I offer:

1. Bible Study Jumpstart- where to start and what to look for

2. Prayer- how to be honest enough to have an effective prayer life

3. Breaking free from toxic relationships with people, television, work and one self

4. Honoring God with the way finances are handled: Paying off debt and budgeting

5. Getting the "spark" back in one's marriage to God

6. How to come back when you think you have gone too far away from Jesus

7. Regaining and maintaining contentment


Each session will include:

45 minutes of talk time via telephone, FaceTime or Skype

A summary of all the information and resources I provide 

A short guide to get started on your own


A  30 minute follow-up call in two-weeks


Let's connect today, head on over to the contact me section. 




"Lashonda has a very unique gift that allows her to uplift and motivate my spirit in even in the darkest times. Her words of encouragement and Bible studies have brought me through a lot of situations when I had all but given up. Her words are true and she gives reference from personal experience. I always look forward to her words of encouragement in our sessions." ~D. Lewis

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